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Education | Refresher Content
This PowerPoint that I created is intended as a refresher for dental hygiene students or individuals who are currently in practice. It is based on the 8 human needs related to dental hygiene care and its foundation. After diagnosis, goals are developed in conjunction with the client interventions then are implemented, evaluated and documented along with other relevant information. Attached is my prepared powerpoint.

Click on the picture to see the presentation.

Education | Dental Education Blitz
Mid March 2020 me and my class of Dental Hygiene Students were scheduled ​to collaborate with various elementary schools to educate children from kindergarten to grade 8 on the importance of oral health. I was assigned to educate grade 2/3 and my main goal was to give them the knowledge necessary to motivate and improve home self-care. Unfortunately due to COVID-19 we were unable to follow through with our presentations. Attached is my prepared powerpoint.

Click on the picture to see the presentation.

Collaboration | Brock University Nursing Students
In February 2020, I had the opportunity to provide Brock University Nursing Students with a presentation on oral health. The purpose of the presentation was to provide them with knowledge regarding oral health that may assist them in their future field of work. Topics include oral care basics, oral cancer screening, denture storage & care, and proper use of dental aids.
Click on the picture to see the presentation.

Essay | Coronary Artery Disease
Anatomy and Physiology II allowed me develop my understanding of human anatomy and physiology. We investigated and analyzed features of the endocrine, circulatory, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary and reproductive systems within the human body. Attached is the end of term essay I did on Coronary Artery Disease which develops when major blood vessels that supply the heart with blood become damaged or even diseased. This knowledge will benefit me in the future because it is a common disease.
Click on the picture to access the essay.
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